Between cell phones, tablets, computers, and even flashlights, it seems like the entire tech industry is making the move over to rechargeable batteries as opposed to single-use. At Fenix, we’re all for it. Since our inception, we’ve been engineering some of the very best rechargeable flashlights on the market today.

There’s a lot to love about rechargeable flashlights. Rechargeable flashlights are convenient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective. It’s hard to argue against owning a rechargeable flashlight as opposed to one that uses single-use batteries. However, rechargeable flashlights can be significantly more expensive than their counterparts, especially if you purchase a high quality, high lumen model, like the 12,000 lumen LR50R. Initially, you may be paying a bit more upfront for your flashlight, but, with proper care, these devices can offer years and years of extremely bright lighting and will end up more than paying for itself in the long run.

Proper Storage of Your Rechargeable Flashlight

fenix lr50r engraved flashlight

Just like any other mechanical device, rechargeable flashlights should be stored in a dry, cool location. Whether that location is in the kitchen or a bedside table drawer, your flashlight should be kept in a safe storage location that can be easily accessible in the event of an emergency or power outage.

While in storage, it’s best to take your lithium-ion batteries out of your flashlight, especially if they will be in storage for long periods of time (for more information on lithium-ion batteries and how to best care for them, check out our blog on the subject). When lith-ion batteries are left inside a flashlight in a place where the temperature fluctuates, such as in car, the battery can slowly discharge much faster than while on their own, even without use. Should your light’s battery discharge quickly, even without it being used, this is a sign there is something wrong with the light itself.

If you do store your flashlight in a place that is not climate controlled, such as a car or garage, watch out for dips in temperature. The extreme temperatures can be very harmful for your batteries, possibly causing a lag in battery performance in the form of lower lumen output and runtimes.

Charging Best Practices

Normally, the golden rule of rechargeable flashlights is to not overdo it. However, Fenix’s lithium-ion batteries include protective circuits that mitigate the risk of overcharging and stifling the batteries life cycle length. A good rule of thumb is to try to keep your battery at around 40% charge when in storage. This minimizes age-related capacity loss while keeping the battery in good operating condition and allowing self-discharge.

Disposable batteries, like AA batteries, are not designed to be recharged and should never be put on a battery charger or placed in a rechargeable flashlight alongside a lithium ion battery. This will not improve your flashlight’s performance and could actually damage both your flashlight and its battery.

How to Clean a Rechargeable Flashlight

Fenix flashlights are made durable with scratch resistant lenses, sturdy aluminum construction, and are impact resistant, so they can easily handle the rough and tumble of a work site or hunting trip without faltering. However, it’s always a good idea to give your light a good cleaning every now and then to ensure its longevity.

To clean your flashlight, use an alcohol pad or some type of grease cutting solution and wipe down the casing of your light. If your flashlight has grooves, you might want to use a bristle brush or hard toothbrush to get into those hard to reach areas to remove any grease or grime. Most of our rechargeable flashlights are rated IP66 or higher, so their waterproof casing makes it possible for them to just be washed off with some soapy water or a quick rinse in the sink without any damage to the light.

On the inside of the light where the battery contacts, you can use a q-tip or cotton swab to wipe away any dirt or grime that has built up in the light. Just make sure that no cotton threads or fragments are left behind.

When inspecting your light, one key thing to check is the O-ring. This fragile little piece is one of the most important parts of your flashlight as it keeps dirt, grime, and water out of your light. Check to make sure the O-ring doesn’t look dried or cracked. If so, it can easily be replaced and many of our rechargeable flashlights come with spare O-rings.

Rechargeable Flashlights for All Needs

Whether you’re an avid outdoorsman, tradesman, or simply someone who can appreciate quality craftsmanship, Fenix has a light solution to fit your needs. Equipped with the latest technology and thoughtful design, our lights are made last. Give our full line-up a look, or if you’re not sure which light is right for your needs, contact our useful customer service for help or expert answers on any questions you may have.